Saturday, June 11, 2011

Impress my ass!

What do you think my post is about??
No! It ain't about someone impressing my ass!
It's my view on some people who just spend their whole life trying to impress some ass!
People do things that someone else likes just to impress them..
Try to be 'Kewl', Trying to do weird stuff, Trying to be someone else who you are not! and all the shitty things they can come up with!!
Well, FU! Dumb-ass's!

If you really want to impress someone you just 'BE YOURSELF'! If the people you want to impress, get impressed; than that should be by your own personality.. Not with you trying to be someone you are not!!
Don't waste your life in impressing others..
Everyone's 'UNIQUE'!
Just be yourself!!
Don't think about what the others think about you..
To hell with what's their opinion about you..
You are not in this world to impress others but to express yourself!!

Have you ever seen an sad pig? Have you ever seen a bird that's mourning? or a dog crying? One reason why they are not sad is because they are never trying to impress other animals...

So, stop being someone else & start being yourself..
And Never give a Damn to what others think or say!!!
If others have a problem with you... well, tell them to Kiss Your ASS!!! :-|



  1. w2g broda - in totality, am in agreement. :P

  2. am luvin it - u have endorsed my views too :P
